The website "" was created and belongs to the company with the name: "MALLIRIS ALEXANDROS & SIA EE", which is based in the municipality of Athens, Koritsas street, number 5, with A.F.M. 093110830, DOU A' ATHENS, and is legally represented, hereinafter "Company" and constitutes the online store selling products via the Internet, hereinafter "online store". Every user who enters and transacts or uses the services of the online store, hereinafter "user" or "customer", depending on whether he is limited to visiting the store only or ordering and purchasing products, is invited to carefully read the terms of use. If a user does not agree with these terms, he must, under his own responsibility, refrain from any visit, use of the website as well as any transaction or use of the services provided by the online store.
In any case, any action taken by the user in the online store, such as browsing through it, subscribing to the newsletter, or purchasing products, is considered as unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use and full recognition that the electronic store is not responsible for any possible modification, postponement or interruption of the provision of its service. Finally, every user, by accessing and using the services of the online store bearing the "" trademark, is presumed to fully understand, consent and unconditionally accept all the following conditions:
General terms
The Company has the exclusive right to freely modify and revise all terms of use and transactions with the online store, whenever it deems necessary, while at the same time it undertakes the obligation to inform visitors of any relevant modification exclusively and only through the website of the online store shop.
Any amendments are effective from the date they are posted on this website. Any changes to the Terms of Use do not concern those orders, which the customer has already made through the online store, before the entry into force of these modifications, as defined above. After any modification of the Terms of Use, the use of "" will be considered as full acceptance of these terms, as they have been modified. Every contract with our online store can be concluded in Greek and English.
Information and products provided
The Company is committed to the accuracy of the information contained in its online store, regarding the identity of the Company as well as the transactions and services provided through its online store. In any case, the Company, in the context of good faith, bears no responsibility and is not bound by incorrect data entries made, according to common experience, by mistake, and reserves the right to correct them, whenever it becomes aware of their existence.
The Customer is informed with a relevant indication on the page of each product or service of the online store, about the availability of the products. Specifically, for each available product, the "Add to cart" option is displayed, while in the event that a product is not available, the message "Out of stock" is displayed. The Company, however, reserves the right for the availability of its products in the event that they are not available at the time of the order.
In case of occurrence of events that make a product unavailable or in case there are reasons for delay in delivery, the Company reserves the right to inform the Customer accordingly. In this case, if it is judged that the transaction becomes impossible or unprofitable for the Customer, he has the right to cancel the order with a unilateral written statement to the email address [email protected]. The cancellation of the order also results in the cancellation of the sales contract, while the Company must, without undue delay, return the entire amount of money paid by the Customer for this reason.
It is possible that the availability of the products available through the online store differs from the availability of the products available through the physical store. Therefore, the products, which are available for purchase from the physical store, may not be available from the online store and vice versa. A special case are the Web Exclusive products which are available exclusively through the online store and for which a strict sequence of time priority is observed in the execution of the orders. "" has received all the necessary means in order to be updated on the availability of the products in a timely manner, however it reserves an express reservation regarding the validity of the quantities available in the online store, as it is possible that this update will take place within more from six (6) hours from the moment of their modification.
Limitation of the company’s liability – Liability of the online store
The Company, in the context of its transactions through the online store, is not responsible and has no obligation to compensate for any possible damage or loss resulting from the cancellation of orders, from the non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason.
The Company undertakes to carry out an order in accordance with the conditions, as they are described in detail, during the order, however it reserves the right not to proceed with the execution of the order in the event of a typographical or computer error, in which products or services appear in the online store with an incorrect value, i.e. lower or higher than the valid one. In case such an error in the price is found in part of the order, then it is valid and executed normally for the rest of the products, while it is considered as incomplete for the rest of the products, for which the error was found, with the exception of the case in which the items in the order are related and unavoidably used as a single unit and function as a unit with each other, while at the same time the Customer declares that the partial fulfillment of the order does not serve his needs or interests, so the Company in this case must cancel the entire order.
The online store provides all the necessary information (names, photos, illustrations) about the products and services available through the website, "as is". Under no circumstances does the Company bear civil or criminal liability for any damage (positive or consequential, which indicatively and not restrictively, concerns loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that a user – customer may suffer of the online store or a third party for a reason related to the operation and use of the website or even due to a possible inability to provide the services, products and information available from it.
The online store is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to the Customer from the exchange of information when using the services of the online store, while at the same time it reserves the right to deliver its products in case of force majeure.
The online store does not bear any civil or criminal liability, towards the users and customers as well as any third party who derives rights from them, in the event that during the use of the services and products of this online store, any of the above suffer any damage of any kind (direct, indirect, consequential, positive or incidental or even lost profits); while at the same time it does not provide any guarantee whatsoever (a) for any inefficiency, unsuitability and inadequacy of the products with regard to the purposes for which the user intends them, (b) for any technical problems that may occur to the users while using the website , throughout the duration of their visit to it, which affect its smooth operation by causing its partial or total inability to function, such as permanent or temporary interruption, delay, non-delivery or even receiving its services in non-agreed property and quality, (c) information and updates published by third parties and more generally (d) for the existence of errors of any kind.
Finally, under no circumstances should the online store be considered to endorse or accept the content or services of other online links (Links) that may be included on the website and expressly disclaims any form of responsibility for their content, privacy policy, as and the quality of their content and services.
Customer Obligations
The customer of the online store has the following obligations
To refrain, while using the website of the online store, from any act, which may result in criminal prosecution or the civil liability of the online store, for acts described in the Criminal Code and Civil Code, in Special Criminal Laws, in the Legislation for the protection of Personal Data as well as in the relevant provisions of the European Union or the National Telecommunications Commission, the Personal Data Protection Authority and any other Public or Administrative Authority. Also refrain from any action that contains viruses or other software, which may cause the interruption, damage, or hinder the operation of any software, harmful to the reputation and reputation of the Company of its Partners, Affiliated Companies as well as of its Users and Members.
To respect and not infringe any form of Intellectual Rights of the Company or third parties.
To observe all the applicable Terms of Use of the online store, as they are described in detail, as well as the currently applicable personal data protection regulations and not to infringe any patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights of both the Company and third parties.
To provide his real and true personal information during the process of registering as a customer and to update it, so that it corresponds at all times to his true personal information. The online store reserves the right to immediately deactivate the customer's account by informing him accordingly, in the event that his registration information is found to be incorrect.
To keep his password (PASSWORD) to the services of the online store, a secret and not to reveal it to third parties, while he is also required to IMMEDIATELY inform the online store via e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected] of any unauthorized use of his code and password. In any case, the online store is not responsible for any unauthorized use of the customer's password, if it has not been previously informed about it.
To provide the true and correct Payment and Delivery Details for the orders he makes through the online store and after completing the use of the website he should make sure that he has left his personal account (log out).
Also forbidden
The use of the online store for the advertising, promotion and creation of a service or product that competes with the Company's products and services.
Accessing, processing and exploiting in any way the data, personal or not, granted to "" by its users, as well as any form of Software piracy/hacking or interception, copying, distribution, downloading, resale of information, including the website's photographic content and intellectual material.
The use of the website of the online store to publish or transmit in any way illegal, threatening, offensive, defamatory, obscene content, as well as content that promotes or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination and that may cause harm in any way .
Intellectual property rights
The entire content of the online store, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, distinctive titles, images, graphics, informational materials of any form, data, and texts describing the services and products of the online store with the trademark "" are exclusively the intellectual property of the Company and object of protection of the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law or intellectual property of third parties for which the Company has obtained a license to use for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of its online store.
Any copying, exploitation or creation of a derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real provider of the online store is prohibited. Reproduction, republishing, uploading or any other use of the above content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior express written consent of the Company.
Contact info
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of this website, which belongs to the company with the name: "MALLIRIS ALEXANDROS & SIA EE.", has been appointed Mr. Malliris Alexandros, with whom you can contact for any explanation or for any request related with the processing of personal data concerning you, as follows:
• By phone at 00302103472222
• By mail to the postal address: 5, Koritsas street, 10447 Votanikos, Athens, Greece